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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Streams Implementer's Guide

A book about Oracle is like a UFO: unprobable and exceptional. I wish I know better the 80 volumes of the Oracle Database documentation. However, a few times, a few books have provided me with such a different way to look and consider things that it has transformed my way of thinking. A book can turn something you couldn't get into something obvious. And I'm sure you know what and who I'm talking about: let's call it talent.

That's why, despite the many disappointments, I continue to buy books about Oracle and continue to hope, like you can discover new genius friends, that the next book I'll buy will stay near me for a while.

So when the Streams Implementer's Guide Editor sent me a free copy of this book, UFO among UFOs, I've started to hope and wish again. And like a made on purpose, I just got my copy right now at the time I'm leaving for holidays. I don't know yet if I'll spend a few minutes or days reading it but it's probably worth to mention it. And, by the way, "How can you get to the point where you would start a book about Oracle Streams ?"

I'll share my enthusiasm when I'll be back. Nice subject and challenge at a time Oracle replication technology is for sure living one of its greatest paradoxes since 9i Release 2...

To be continued!